Warning - I have been in the house most of the weekend because of the weather.
Those giveaway potholders have been on my mind a lot lately! I guess this is what happens when you're a bit of a worrier.

The loops, oh my goodness, they are not centered. One definitely looks like it has a crick in its neck.
My potholders are stored in a drawer so I never paid much attention to loops until now.

And then there's this issue - Could they be just a little bit skinny?
Like they've been on WW too long? This is the first time I've used InsulBright as batting so I'm a little skeptical.

Then I noticed the Housewife Needle Case I made for the giveaway and decided to try it out.

So I opened it up...

... and loaded it up with things I think I'll put in my own needle case.
Very convenient. Presently, I'm carrying everything around in a sandwich keeper so this will be a big improvement!

This last photo is of the Candy Sticks blocks I've made so far. I'm planning to alternate them with string blocks.
I really enjoyed working with the bright cheery colors because today was another dreary cold day. I'm thankful that instead of the ice we were expecting, our area got rain. Husband says we're getting a little snow now though.
Its easy to complain about the weather we've been having this winter but today's "For Better or For Worse" comic strip really hit home. At the very end, Elly tells John, "... If all we have to worry about is the weather - we live in a perfect world." Now really, I waste too much time worrying about things. Like potholders. Relax, Trust and Enjoy Life! Remind me of that the next time I start in, OK?
Don't forget, I'll be drawing the winner of the giveaway on Tuesday morning!