
Monday, November 10, 2014

Fur on Quilts

Have you ever made a quilt with a realistic animal on it? If I tried, I'm not sure the animal would be recognizable. I'm impressed how quilters can capture an animal's expression and mood! Here are some of the animal quilts from the Houston Quilt Festival.

 Kim Wants to Quilt, But Tae Needs a Belly Rub by David Taylor

Summer Camp by Barbara Yates Beasley

You Dirty Dog! by Cindy Garcia

Let Sleeping Cats Lie by Cheryl Giovenco

Best Friends by Jeannie Moore

Raining Bubbles by Jennifer Day
Click on this photo to see the animals in the bubbles!

Its So Otis by Nancy Raher-Kessler

Can We Talk About the Steak? by Barbara Yates-Beasley

But We're Only Playing by Sandra Betts

If They Were in Furano by Hiroko Miyanna

Bookends by Kim ? 
(I'm sorry I can't give credit but the photo of the paper with the quilter's name is too blurry for me to read. Does anyone know her name?)

Unforgiven by Laurie Russman
Uh, oh. We put bows on our cats' heads every Christmas morning. Now I'm going to be wondering if I'm forgiven!

All in the Family by Nancy Brown

Seneca by Ferret

Identity Crisis by Susan Engler
 I grew up on a farm so seeing this calf brought many memories of bottle and bucket feeding calves back to me. Calves have the longest eyelashes!

I'm bracing for tomorrow's weather which is predicted to be 30 degrees colder than today! Shiver. The best thing about cold weather is its quilting weather!

Until next time, Mayleen

1 comment:

Tina said...

What wonderful quilts! I've always wondered how quilters can capture an animal's personality so perfectly with fabric - very, very talented! Stay warm and enjoy your quilting weather!!