Its been a l-o-n-g week for me and its not over yet. Too many commitments, expectations from other people, things going wrong or not as expected, disappointing news, some minor vandalism at our house, etc.
I've been struggling with getting my clamshell quilt pinned on my mom's old quilting frame so I could threadbaste it. I had a goal of beginning to big stitch quilt it next week which won't be happening now.
After several tries, I finally got it on straight (maybe) and started basting for the third time when I found stains. If you look closely, you can see gray stains on the light pink and orange clamshells. I can only guess that the prewashed navy striped fabric next to it bled during the cold water soak to remove the basting glue.

I'm going to finish the basting and then I think I have two options but I'm open to any suggestions so feel free to let me know what you'd do!
First, I could pick out the two pink clamshells and replace them. That would be a lot of work and I hate to pick out and repair things but it might be better than option two.
Soaking the quilt in Synthropol is the other option. I've never used this product before and I'm concerned about soaking the quilt in hot water which Synthropol apparently works best in. Will it cause the bright colors to fade? Do I want to take the risk? This quilt is entered into the Common Threads quilt show.
I've had a few other quilty things go wrong or maybe just not as I wanted them to but so far, I think the crazy quilt donation wallhanging is turning out well. I should have started this last year but ... ! Never enough time for all the projects I want to do. I don't think you can see the stitching very well but I'm about 1/3 finished.

I was trying to make it less bright but as you can see, that didn't work! Already many offers for it but it will be part of a silent auction at "Women In Conversation", a Mennonite women's ministry event coming up in April. I even wish I could buy it!
PS -Denise if you're reading this, don't worry, it will be finished in time!