I took a bus tour to the Houston Quilt Festival!
Day One: Long bus ride from Wichita to our hotel in Houston. Believe it or not, my husband has agreed to go with me.

Day Two: Stuck in traffic (I think its safe to say that I will never drive in Houston!) Quilters in line to get into the arena are doing a countdown and we all surge in. I don't think its too crowded until I stop to use the restroom and then its, "Where did all these women come from?!?" The arena is the equivalent of 5 football fields - one for the food court, two for the vendors and two for the quilt show. Shopping, oh yes! I have a list of vendors I want to visit. I enjoy meeting several bloggers and shop owners I'm familiar with. We make it only half way through all the vendors before we decide to take a break. We saw many beautiful quilts and I will probably share more pictures later. Husband finds the Men's Lounge with chaises and TV tuned to the sports channel. Back at the hotel, my legs and feet are so tired! Can one possibly prepare oneself for walking 7 hours on thinly carpeted concrete floors?

Day Three: Yes, repeat day two. Spend more money and never see the absolutely essential quilting gadgets other tour members find. We find the Starbucks on the arena's second level and relax on the sun roof. Look at more quilts. Take more pictures of quilts. Husband visits Men's Lounge.
Day Four: Husband pleads upset stomach and stays at the hotel. I tag along with other tour members (Hi Cheryl), look at more quilts and take a few pictures. Browse through vendors again.
Day Five: Long bus trip back to Wichita. Believe it or not, my husband is willing to go to Paducah with me in spring! Maybe I just caught him at a weak moment, LOL.
The house is still standing, the cats haven't destroyed my plants, its good. We collapse in our own bed.
I am motivated to finish Phebe so I can start a new pattern I purchased in Houston.
No, I'm not going to show it to you yet but I've been wanting to make it for a long time. If you know me, you know I like quilts with a lot of pieces. Just a hint.
my husband was the first to have the flu/cold symptoms. Apparently, someone on the trip decided to share it with us and I am now down with it too. So, no guild meeting for me this week and I'll try to work on Phebe as I have energy and between the sneezing and nose blowing. Lots of embroidery going on!
Until next time, Mayleen