A week ago: "Today I'm going to update my blog."
A few days later: "Today I'm really going to update my blog."
A day later: "I really need to update my blog!"
Yesterday: "I really want to update my blog!!!"
This morning: "I'm going to update my blog today!!!"
Tonight: "NOW!"
I thought that once the quilt show was over things would slow down a little but not so far. I do have hopes of more free time next week though.
My daughter's turning 30 this week and our church's ladies ministry is having a decade party for her. I've been involved with some of the preparation for it and since dd reads my blog, I can't share anything about the party. Ha!
However, I can tell you about the signature quilt I'm making for her. I asked the ladies at church to sign a block and include a favorite Bible verse. So far, 38 blocks have been turned in with just a few left out there. I'm grateful to everyone who wrote large because my embroidery looks pretty good on those blocks and I'm grateful to those who wrote small for providing me with a challenge! My embroidery skills are improving and small cursive letter e's no longer look like blobs. I have over half of the blocks embroidered and will share more about this project later.